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Key 1inch API Resources


DNS Nameserver Host: Amazon.com, Inc.

Developer Sitehttps://docs.1inch.io/api/

Postman Collection: TBD

API Docs: https://docs.1inch.io/api/

Open API Specification: TDB

1inch API

Latest 1inch API News

The objective of 1inch is to offer the most competitive prices and reduce slippage for trading cryptocurrencies on multiple decentralized exchanges. While not strictly API-first, the company does offer APIs for developers to utilize on its platform.

Privately owned by Sergej Kunz and Anton Bukov, the company was founded in 2019.

To build on top of its platform, they provide several APIs for developers. These include:

Market data using a variety of endpoints provided by the API. The data includes token balances, order book information, and exchange rates. Creating customized trading bots, analytics tools, and other applications is possible for developers using this API.

Interacting with the smart contract allows developers to trade across various decentralized exchanges using the Protocol API. The best prices and liquidity on these exchanges can be accessed by developers. The API facilitates different trading functions, such as limit orders, market orders, and beyond.

With the TokenSwap API, developers can easily integrate with the liquidity aggregator and supply liquidity for token exchanges. This leads to better efficiency and cost-effectiveness of token swaps for users. Price estimation, execution, and other token swap functions are supported by the API.

Security is highly valued at the company. Implementing several measures has ensured the safety of user funds and data. These initiatives encompass multi-signature wallets, audits performed by third-party security firms, and collaborations established with premier blockchain security providers.

As a whole, 1inch delivers a collection of APIs for developers to utilize on its platform. The emphasis here is on security to protect both data and user funds.

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