APIContext partners with Akamai to expand advanced API monitoring adoption. Learn more >

Actively Monitored API Calls

APImetrics performance homepage summary
“Gives me a meaningful way to bridge the gap between engineering ops and customer teams...”
Mike Stowe
Developer Relations, Ring Central

Know about issues
before your users tell you

Multi-step Calls

Monitor API sequences that are critical to you and your users so you’re with them, every step of the way.

Cross Cloud from 80+ locations

Users in different locations have different experiences. Make sure your APIs are working anywhere in the world they’re used.

Verify API Functionality

See all parts of the API call process, from DNS lookup to server side processing times from the locations your clients use.

Performance, SLAs and more

Measure latency, network effects, uptime, quality and more with fully integrated performance management & SLAs.

Real-time alerts

Trigger alerts to your preferred tools via email or webhook. Over a dozen integrations. Fast connections..

Easy setup, simple import

Set it up with our call creator or sync collections direct from your API documentation via Postman, OpenAPI, and more

Any API Request

Handle GET, PUT, POST, DELETE and more – any type of HTTP request – in our similar call manager.

Define Assertions
Set conditions. Override expected HTTP return codes for 200 failures. Set variables on a test or global basis.
Authentication Manager
Fully integrated security manager for API Keys & OAuth including JWT and JWS. Test scopes and token validity.
Networking Analysis
Gain insight into DNS and connection issues. Get breakdowns of latency and server times.

AI Driven Insights don’t miss hard to spot problems

Many API issues can be hard to spot or get lost in the noise leading to confusion between Ops teams, support, customers or even regulators.

Our AI systems, trained on our database of over a billion real API calls, monitors performance and spots trends, issues and problems before they impact users.

AI powered API issue outlier detection APImetrics
API Ratings comparison dashboard from APImetrics

Performance Management with dashboards, API comparisons and SLAs

Define and monitor SLAs for availability and latency. See quality metrics using the CASC (Cloud API Service Consistency) measure.

See benchmarks for your API against all types of API call, or just similar API calls in your industry using data drawn from our database of over 1 billion REAL API calls.

Check out the API Directory for all the details!


Sync with your favorite API collection manager, or write directly to our API for your own import and Continuous Integration scenarios for testing.


Out of the box integrations for Postman, OpenAPI, Slack, DataDog, HipChat, OpsGenie and many more to make us an essential part of your existing processes.

Audit Trail

As long as you’re a customer, we have the results, and in most cases, even the content returned by your APIs for as long as you’re a customer.

Your customers and users aren’t all on the same cloud. why monitor from one?

In a modern world of containers and server-less architectures, you have little visibility on where your customers and partners are hosting or build on. Why would you risk only monitoring from a single cloud service. With APIContext, you don’t have to compromise on monitoring. 

With 75+ locations on public cloud locations around the world, with a dynamic scheduling engine that allows you to set call frequencies and even downtime, you don’t have to be limited to AWS because that’s what somebody picked as their platform.

global api latency performance from different cloud data centers from APImetrics
API scheduling from APImetrics

Intelligent Scheduler

Unless you want to pick specific combinations to monitor from, our intelligent scheduler does the work of making sure that over the course of a day your APIs are exercised randomly from the locations you pick, giving you full coverage and confidence in performance.

Downtime Manager

Schedule downtime for your APIs to avoid being hit with errors or SLA issues when you expect to be down. We also provide an API to automatically integrate downtime from other developer tools.
historical API performance chart showing major change 2 years ago

As long as you’re a customer, we store your data for analysis

Yes, that’s indefinite storage for customers – want to look for an old trend, see something from months or a year ago?

All the results are stored in our product for later review. If you realize that a change months ago much have impacted things but you’re not sure when and it’s beyond the horizon for what you store in Splunk? Then we’ve got you covered.


Ready To Start Monitoring?

Want to learn more? Sign up now and start using the product immediately.