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External API Performance Monitoring

API Performance Monitoring
"Rather than an inside-out view, we realized that we needed a specialized tool that could give us visibility into the performance of our site and apps in the same way that the rest of the internet sees us”
Richard Marshall
First Utility (A Shell Energy Company)

External, cross-cloud API performance monitoring

Flexible metrics

Go beyond HTTP codes to verify APIs return the correct content. We identify outages, failures and performance impacting events that fall outside normal expected variation for every part of the call sequence.

Detailed Latency analysis

Detailed analytics for all parts of the API call process, from DNS look up to server side processing times at the locations your clients use. Look outside your stack to see if the internet is part of the problem.

Multi-cloud, global

Partners, users, and customers are on different clouds - which means they will see different results. Monitor from the clouds your users are on - not just what your app is built on - and understand how cloud and location impact performance data

Intelligent Outlier Detection

Our AI- and ML-based system detects API performance outliers and groups them so you don't miss anything. Other tools rely on averages, and as a result, they miss up to 70% of performance issues.

See SLAs at a Glance

Automatically identify the key metrics you need for SLA management. Instantly track statistical outliers and percentiles in individual calls and across API workflows.

Custom Time Analysis

Time-based data designed to simplify reporting to different regulatory bodies. Need the Time to First or Last byte? We have it. Need only certain time slices for peak hours - we can generate it.


Make calls from external servers using the same settings and security as your customers use, and the same environment conditions.

Clear Breakdowns

API call sequences are broken down into their component parts, and timings are stored discretely. From lookup to call completion, anywhere in the world.

Simple Reporting
One-click report generation. Integrated sharing options for API call quality. Performance data by region or call.
Custom Settings
Define what is a failure or pass for an API or sequence. Override HTTP codes to identify passing failures or other edge cases.

Identify key issues quickly and easily

Many API Performance issues can get lost in the noise with more than 70% of issues having no clear cause – leading to confusion between operations teams, support, customers and even regulators.

Our system spots what you need to know and produces focused reports on the APIs, clouds, geographies and locations that need your attention.

Detailed location reporting

Detailed location based reporting for each API under management. See domain-level data or individual API call performance from a specific geography.

See how API performance varies by cloud location and cloud provider – identify key data centers across the globe that your users rely on and identify issues often invisible to your engineering teams.


Share reports and access to data directly from the dashboard, with read-only and other role-based restrictions that are appropriate to your organization.


Configure automated reports to be delivered via email to internal stakeholders, key business relationships, end users, customers on a weekly basis.


PDF and print-ready report formats that can be easily shared inside and outside your organization, or added to standard OKR and management reports.

Location Performance Analysis

See geographical and cloud latency and performance down to an IP address level from a simple, graphical interface.

Chart all components of an API call, from DNS through to SSL handshake and see medians and percentile analysis at a glance.

Detailed Statistical Analysis

Latency graphs, pass/fail reports, and detailed performance heat maps allow for trend reporting over time.

Ready To Start Monitoring?

Want to learn more? Sign up now and start using the product immediately.