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Added Support for SOAP APIs

At APIContext we are always striving to stay agile and with that we want to continue enhancing our product to be the perfect API Performance Monitoring Solution for Enterprise. With more customers joining every day, we started to see an uptick in requests from Enterprise Clients to add support for SOAP. With that, we are happy to announce that we have rolled out full support for SOAP APIs!

APIContext CEO David O’Neill was recently interviewed by ProgrammableWeb’s Janet Wagner about the new support features. *

“O’Neill explained to ProgrammableWeb that a lot of their enterprise customers were requesting the ability to monitor and test SOAP APIs. He explained that certain industries in particular like travel, retail, and carrier, are using legacy systems with SOAP APIs on the back end. In addition, many enterprises use API gateways where APIs running the back end are using SOAP protocols but customer facing APIs are using REST. Many enterprises use API gateways so that developers are able to integrate applications with back-end services. These companies need a hybrid solution that can test APIs from end to end regardless of whether the APIs are using SOAP or REST protocols.”

If you have any questions on our SOAP API Support, or API Performance Monitoring in general reach out to [email protected]


Along with the new SOAP API Support, we have also added a new widget based Dashboard, featuring multi-region testing, testing from each of the major Cloud Providers (Google, Amazon Web Services, Azure), and several new way to view the data collected. We have also recently added in Cookie Authentication support, as well as Virtual Machine testing and more advanced Event Alerts.

With the addition of SOAP support, cookie Authentication, location based testing and our data logging we are now the industry’s first and only intelligent, analytics-driven API performance and monitoring solution built specifically for the enterprise. Beyond just the ability to gather all of that need data, Enterprise Customers are also able to set up shared Dashboards, to make viewing the analytics and tests easier than ever.

Set up a FREE TRIAL today, or if you are interested in trying out an Enterprise Account reach out to us at [email protected]


* APIContext Adds Support for SOAP APIs | ProgrammableWeb http://ow.ly/LfLNA


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