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New Features – here now

APIContext provides enterprises with end-to-end visibility, proactive risk measures, and comprehensive monitoring capabilities for their APIs. The platform empowers businesses to optimize API performance, mitigate security risks, ensure regulatory compliance, and deliver exceptional product experiences.

We’re working to coming out of Beta but we’re still letting people sign up for the Beta program – just fill in the form from the dashboard page here.  We’re really excited with the new features that are now live.  Core to the new set of features is improved data collection and visualization making it easier to spot performance trends in your API performance.  Combined with our public test set, it’s now possible to create and run sets of side-by-side comparison tests.

This is already providing us with extremely interesting trend data on some of the most popular services out there.  For example, the dramatic speed differences we’re seeing in running queries against the Twitter API versus the Facebook API.

We’re also now tracking peak API latency, providing better guides for setting time outs in your apps and services.

As we come out of Beta and launch APImetrics publicly we’re now looking ahead to the features we’ve been asked for as part of the Beta.  Over the next few weeks our development sprint is going to be focused on the following:

  • Data extraction API – for embedding performance tables and data in your own websites
  • File Upload capabilities for testing APIs involving posting data
  • Improved statistical analysis and error reporting
  • Improved pass/fail tests including testing against expected JSON/XML results

If you have any other features you’d like to see getting into APImetrics let us know!

In the meantime, if you’re not already using us, please sign up for the Beta and start testing.  Remember, you can’t improve something if you’re not measuring it.


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