APImetrics Feature Update: New Statistics Views
In our rolling series of feature updates we have reached a new milestone with our new stats pages. The changes are designed to improve performance and make it easier to see and understand the data clearly.
The key changes are:
- Summary reports now expand into full page reports
- You can change the details of the API you are looking at from the stats viewing page without leaving it
- Only locations where the API call is running show as an option now
- Improved latency mapping with a new regional summary view as well as the traditional per location view
- Latency Graphs can now show more than one data series at a time from your project AND can be saved as a report
Latency Graph
The latency graphs have had the most significant updates.
Clicking on the title will expand the graph to full screen and show a number of new control options including:
- Create a quick latency view of all scheduled API calls OR all scheduled locations (use wisely this might make for hard to read graphs!)
- Add more APIs from your project to the graph – this allows you to directly compare different APIs in the same view
- Save the combined review as a report so you can get back to it later or, if you add a person to view your report, they can access the data too
Latency Map
Clicking on Latency Map now provides a full page experience within the stats page. This is split into 2 tabs, the first tab is the radial summary view showing the fastest and slowest results from each region. The second tab is the traditional view.
As before you can select percentiles and call portions to view from the data centers that the calls originate from.
Heat Map
The heat maps provide a powerful tool for spotting performance trends over protracted periods of time, which can be a month, or even month trends over a year or more.
Now Available for All APImetrics Accounts
If you are new to APImetrics, sign up for a free trial so see how they could work for you with our free API set.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you’re new to API monitoring, you can learn about our comprehensive features for testing, monitoring, security and performance and sign up for a free trial account.