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This Week’s API Performance Highlights

Secure, low-code, functional API monitoring for all stakeholders covering the end-to-end process.

Largest drops in API performance

api performance

Auth0 in the Corporate Infrastructure collection dropped 9 places. This was due to a general rise in server processing time at the start of the month, which did then subside later on affecting all monitored endpoints.

api performance

Stripe in the GGV Capital API-First collection dropped 16 places. This was due to a massive increase in outliers from the 22nd of September onwards.

api performance

Tide Platform Ltd in the Open Banking UK Production collection dropped a whopping 28 places.

This was due to a massive jump in SSL handshake time starting on the 6th of September, peaking on the 10th and then slowly recovering until around the 20th of the month. Yikes!

Large Changes in API Performance CASC Score

Secure, low-code, functional API monitoring for all stakeholders covering the end-to-end process.

Merge in the GGV Capital API-First collection decreased by 13% from 8.4 (in the Green Zone) to 7.26 (in the Yellow Zone). This was due to a general increase in outliers this week across all of their monitored endpoints.

Secure, low-code, functional API monitoring for all stakeholders covering the end-to-end process.

Dept of Commerce in the US Government collection decreased by 61% from 4.79 (in the Red Zone) to 1.83 (in the Red Zone).

We might just have a new worst API – and look who it’s from, the US Government! With failures ranging from broken DNS resolution to HTTP 502 Bad Gateway responses, the US Government is sure to impress everyone with how well they manage their online infrastructure.


  • Revolut in the Open Banking UK Production category takes the overall title for best API again this week with a CASC score of 9.84.
  • Contentful in the GGV Capital API-First category is the fastest API again this week with an average latency of 49 ms, down from 50 ms last week.
  • HSBC Bank (Personal) is the best-performing bank in the Open Banking UK Production category with monitored AISP (non-consent) endpoints again this week with a CASC score of 9.21.
  • Dept of Commerce in the US Government category is the overall worst performing API again this week with a CASC score of 1.83.
  • 9 categories are topped by an API with a CASC score of 9.50 or more, up from 7 last week.
  • 15 categories are topped by an API with a CASC score of 9.00 or more, up from 14 last week.
  • 0 categories have bottom API with a CASC score of 9.00 or more, the same as last week.
  • 6 categories have bottom API with a CASC score of 8.00 or more, down from 14 last week.
  • 4 APIs (Cater Allen Private Bank in the Open Banking UK Production collection with a CASC score of 4.01, Deutsche Bank in the PSD2 Institutions collection with a CASC score of 3.35, Dept of Energy in the US Government collection with a CASC score of 3.74, Dept of Commerce in the US Government collection with a CASC score of 1.83) are in the Red Zone with a CASC score of less than 6.00 this week, the same as last week.



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