Total Tests conducted in June: 48641 (oAuth), 6817 (Shares) and 37,692 (User Profile Tests) against 16 different services.
oAuth Testing:
Total failure rate of 0.4% of all services tested, with just 4 out of 14 services tested having 100% test rates for the month. Least reliable service during June was Google where Google services running on Google Cloud Platform had a significant outage lasting several days. Outside of Google, Github and TripIt vied for last place with 2.9% and 1.1% failure rate respectively.
Intel’s CSP oAuth service was the slowest performing API with sign in taking an average of 1.9 seconds. Foursquare best at 0.06 seconds.
Share Testing
No service hit 100% this week. With failure rates on the 4 sharing services currently being tested randing from 0.1%(Tumblr) to 9.8%(LinkedIn).
User Profile Tests (Testing ability to fetch user profiles)
Total failure rate of 0.3%, with 4 out of 14 services having perfect records this month. Google was worst performer due to system problem, followed by TripIt with a 0.7% failure rate. Intel was slowest performing API at 0.62 seconds per request.
If you’re interested in monitoring your API Performance, contact us via the contact form.