a top-tier CMA9 Bank with a High Street retail banking presence

The bank required an improved monitoring system
for their Open Banking APIs, which were built on a completely new cloud architecture.The system had to address the following challenges:

  • Heartbeat monitoring from TPP operating locations
  • Secure external monitoring using real credentials against real test accounts 
  • Handling OBUK certificates in the same way as a TPP 
  • Alerting and reporting on performance issues across all regulated APIs 
  • Automation of some UK Open Banking MI reporting requirements

What You'll learn on this case study

The Solution

APImetrics was configured to call key bank account types using production test accounts provided by the bank. APIs were configured and tested for AISP calls, PISP calls and Open Data services.

Rapid Fixes

In addition to simplifying and improving heartbeat monitoring of Open Banking endpoints, the platform was able to help identify performance issues.

The Outcome

The bank now measures API performance from a variety of global locations and different cloud providers, operating much more efficiently with improved uptime and availability.

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