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PSD2 Eve: Tomorrow It Goes Live. Are You Ready?

Happy PSD2 Eve! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the time has come: It’s going live throughout the European Single Market on Saturday, 13 January 2018.

So, what happens if you realize on Monday morning that the passive monitoring or homemade cURL scripts you have implemented simply isn’t enough? What if you find you’re unable to understand how the open banking APIs your organization depends are really behaving?

Here at APIContext, we offer the industry’s state-of-the-art active API performance and quality monitoring solution. Just reach out to us if there is any way we can help you with your APIs.

To find out more and learn how monitoring is crucial to its success, download our PSD2 white paper.

And because knowledge is power, here are some good articles that have come out in the last 24 hours. This way, you’ll sound savvy as all get-out around the ol’ IT water cooler.

Photo courtesy of Josbert Lonnee

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