Total Tests conducted in July: 53,485 (oAuth), 10,057 (Shares) and 43,543 (User Profile Tests) against 16 different services.
House keeping issue: We encountered some token refreshing issues with the tool that led to the pass rates for the APIs being lower than expected. This is now resolved, but we’ll be adding a post shortly about handling your Token renewals, and we’re adding Token renewal reminders to our roadmap for a future release.
oAuth Testing:
Total failure rate of 0.2% of all services tested, with just 4 out of 14 services tested having 100% test rates for the month. Least reliable service was TripIt with a failure rate of 0.6%..
Intel’s CSP oAuth service was still the slowest performing API with sign in taking an average of 0.7 seconds, but that’s almost twice as fast as June. Several services were running with averages of 0.1 seconds.
Share Testing
No service hit 100% this week. With failure rates on the 4 sharing services currently being tested randing from 0.1%(Twitter) to 0.9%(LinkedIn).
User Profile Tests (Testing ability to fetch user profiles)
Total failure rate of 0.2%, with no service having a perfect record this month. Worst performer for a second month was TripIt with a failure rate of 0.6% and joined by Github with 0.6% fail rate. Several services had a failure rate of just 0.1% representing 2 failures in the entire month where the APIs were tested every 15 minutes.
Average latency’s were all under 1 second for successful tests, however, for developers it is worth noting that it can take between 0.1 seconds for the API to fail, up to more than 20 seconds for Google, Soundcloud, Microsoft and other services.
If you want to see more detailed reporting including hour by hour results, please sign up for our Beta!