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Improved Call Data Visualizations and Reporting

Improved Call Data Visualizations and Reporting

Welcome to 2017 and with it, the first of a bunch of new reporting features. They’re designed to tell you more about what’s actually impacting your API and SaaS performance.

First out of the gate – we’ve improved visualizations and comparison data of the steps involved in an API call.

We’ve been breaking down the individual steps of the DNS lookup, handshake, processing and download. But we’ve now visualized that data along with gauges. It shows how the numbers stack up to your historical averages.

SLOW reporting

We also added functionality into the ‘SLOW’ alerts to let you know roughly where the problem was.  If you’re worried about your stack, then a poor processing time is your focus rather than an internet related-problem, like this example shows.

Coming later in the year we’ll be rolling out more analytical and automated reporting on the likely problems you’re hitting in any given time period.

As always, feel free to reach out to us for more information!


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