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95th Percentile

The latency of the slowest 5% of calls expressed in milliseconds.

99th Percentile

The latency of the slowest 1% of calls expressed in milliseconds.


Amazon Web Services – observer agents running on AWS servers in different regions.


Azure from Microsoft – observer agents running on Microsoft servers in different regions.

Cloud Provider

The third-party cloud host where our observer agent is based.

DNS Lookup Time

The time the cloud provider Domain Name Service (DNS) host takes to resolve the URI for the API.

Download Time

How long it takes the target server and the internet to transfer data to our cloud observer agent.


Google Cloud – observer agents running on Google servers in different regions.


IBM Cloud – observer agents running on IBM servers in different regions.

Median Total Time

The median latency of calls from our observer agents from the point at which the call is initiated to the point at which the last byte is received expressed in milliseconds (1/1000s of a second).


The percentage of calls over time that were decided to be a performance outlier by our AI.

Pass Rate

The % of calls in the given time that passed with either just a HTTP200 code (link) or met the criteria set in APImetrics for a successful pass.

Processing Time

How long the target server takes to handle the API call.


Cloud API Service Consistency (CASC) is an APIContext-proprietary patented technology that combines various measures of API performance such as availability, latency, reliability, and number of outliers, benchmarked against our unrivaled collection of historical API call records, to give a single blended metric much like a credit rating. The CASC score lets you see at a glance the quality of an API endpoint, whether it is getting better or worse, and how it compares to other endpoints.

CASC Score Zone CASC Score Range API Status


8.00 or greater API is performing well with no performance issues


6.00 - 7.99 API is generally performing adequately, but there are some performance issues in need of attention


Less than 6.00 API is peforming poorly. There are serious performance issues in need of urgent remedial attention
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The global region where the call originates.

SSL Handshake Time

The time taken for the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) handshake to take place.

TCP Connect Time

The time it takes for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), or for the observer agent to connect to the server hosting the API.

Total Time

The total time an API call takes from our observer agent placing the call to the last byte being received.

Upload Time

How long the observer agent takes to upload the parameters of the call to the target server.

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