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Contxt partners with APImetrics to extend API security

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with APImetrics to improve API security from visibility to assurance. Some Contxt data will now be able to be visible within the APImetrics dashboard, creating a seamless environment to review your API changes and track metrics at once. Within the APImetrics interface, you will be able to:

  • Review existing APIs for leaks or PII exposure: Contxt can quickly add visibility into over-exposed sensitive data by leveraging APImetrics’ validation infrastructure.

  • Trace performance issues as APIs are updated: Contxt can add critical telemetry on API changes from ongoing development from your team. As developers confirm new changes, APImetrics can showcase any performance issues that were a result of the code updates. This allows sensitive data changes and performance impacts to be reviewed and compared simultaneously.

  • Enforce policy and conformance: Contxt builds policies around permissible data transfer based on business logic, standards, and laws. APImetrics can monitor those policies and allow for deeper visibility into operational conformance.

We have heard countless times that enterprises need APIs that are performant as well as compliant. This partnership brings critical API observations together to make it easy to see where teams should invest energy in hardening their API products. This gives every team the ability to move faster.

In working with the APImetrics team, it’s clear that they are focused on their mission to help APIs serve the business. David O’Neill, co-founder and CEO at APImetrics, shared that APIs are increasingly being used for high-value business transactions within regulated industries such as FinTech, healthcare, and insurance. He knows how critical it is for the enterprises to be able to continuously evaluate API behavior, especially during change.

APIs are constantly changing and evolving within companies, which is why tracking changes and ensuring designs are being followed is so tough today without help. APIs become forgotten, are never updated, lack the right authorization, and become targets for attacks like the one T-Mobile suffered.

And we know that poor authorization of API endpoints can lead to a range of security issues, such as rogues, zombies, and legacy attacks. Vulnerable APIs can be exposed to the public internet, which leads to leaked identities and other misconfigurations. We are excited to bring new solutions to market to solve the biggest challenges that API owners face.

We are committed to sharing API security concerns and opportunities for improvement wherever you already manage your APIs. If you would like to integrate Contxt’s capabilities, contact your account manager at APImetrics.


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