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Berlin 2017 – Speaking at APIDays

I’ll be speaking tomorrow at the APIDays Banking Event in Berlin on Zen and the Art of API Monitoring – I’ll aim to post the talk but the gist is simple – in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, the protagonist was driven mad by the question of what is good?

The same really applies to API quality, which can depend not just on what you’re measuring, but how you measure and where from. This has huge implications for the world of Open Banking and, especially, PSD2, where the banks are moving from, essentially, a one-to-one relationship with the end users, to a many to one relationship, sometimes with a developer community in the middle. What does ‘good’ mean in this context, and how do you, as a financial institution avoid being only as good as the weakest link?

I’ll be at the pre-event drinks at Brewdog in Berlin tonight, I hope to meet lots of people and have some excellent conversations!


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