Today’s Auth0 Outage
APImetrics, along with many other services, utilizes a 3rd party provider, Auth0, to operate our sign-in and user authentication processes.
What Happened?
Auth0’s services in North America failed between 15:35UTV and 15:39UTC on April 21, 2021 making it impossible for our users to sign into their dashboards. For that we are sincerely sorry and we are re-evaluating our use of Auth0 to determine if there is a better provider or other ways to mitigate against the problems reoccurring. The service was restored between 19:14 and 19:18UTC according to our monitoring.
Did it impact our monitoring?
No. During this period our operational services were not affected, we continued to run monitoring as usual (including against Auth0) and we sent alerts when events occured.
We strive to have an extremely high operational uptime and this is reflected in our choice of suppliers and we are disappointed in this situation and will be looking at our options moving forward.
Can I see real-time data on other services
Yes. We are working to make our API heartbeat service available to users with access to alerting and full historical data for a small monthly fee.
We are going to be writing more about this in the days to come as we believe this needs to be a wakeup call in monitoring and how we inform users.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.