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APIContext Second API Performance Report – Social Networks

For our second API Health Report we decided to look at Social Networking APIs, specifically Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr – like with our first report we were interested in how your choice of cloud could impact the results, but unlike the first report, we’ve also added in a range of global locations so you can see how cloud choices and location of users could impact performance.

One of the key takeaways from this report is that there are differences between the clouds and large differences between the regions once you are outside of the United States. If you have customers in Asia-Pacific region then you need to have strategies to cope with performance problems.

Finally, we were truly surprised by the performance of Tumblr!

For the full report you’ll need to log into your APIContext Account and download it for free – if we’ve not seen you for a while, why don’t you stay and check out our new features like Swager, RAML and API Blueprint import, or our new range of APIs for managing your test configurations, or our global network of multi-cloud agents?

Over the next few weeks we’ve got some big changes coming which we’ll tell you about in a later mailing.

Get the report today!


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