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Say Hello to API Ratings from

One of the recurring themes we hear when speaking to clients is that they just want the data. They don’t want the challenge of setting up and configuring and maintaining API calls. They want answers, not excuses. They need to know – and they need to know it’s right.

Say hello to API Rankings is the first of a wave of product changes here at APImetrics to help us move towards the goal of making things easier to understand and use even for non-developers and ensure that everybody has access to clear API rankings for all the services they depend on. The site provides actionable performance and quality metrics for leading APIs including uptime, quality and regional cross-cloud latency analysis.

With you’ll get weekly, and soon, monthly data on an overall per-service basis. Currently, this is limited to a set of a few dozen different API classes covering key areas such as:

  • Corporate IT services – think Slack, Box, Dropbox, etc.
  • Search engines
  • Banking APIs
  • Government APIs
  • Cryptocurrencies

Our next move is to expand these APIs to cover more sectors. So feel free to contact us about what is missing, or what you find interesting. The high-level data on is free and will remain free. But for trends and historical data, we’ll be offering a paid service later in 2020.

APImetrics Launches to Show Real-Time API Performance Rankings provides actionable performance and quality metrics for leading APIs including uptime, quality and regional cross-cloud latency analysis

Data coverage for

The data itself covers a range of factors that you could find useful for making business or hosting decisions, including:

  • Real-time availability
  • Networking performance from different clouds and regions everywhere AWS, Azure, Google, and IBM operate
  • General quality as measured by our award-winning CASC methodology

The data is updated weekly – and the number of services monitored is only going to grow.

If you want to federate the data into your own services, we’re offering this as a premium service. Just contact us at [email protected].

Have a great new year – and remember, if you’re not monitoring externally, you’re not really monitoring!

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Want to learn more? Check out our technical knowledge base, or our sector by sector data, or even our starters guide to the API economy. So sign up immediately, without a credit card and be running your first API call in minutes.

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