We begin this week’s API performance highlights with Unit. Unit’s API performance is generally fast and reliable, with low latency and minimal downtime. However, API performance can vary depending on factors such as network connectivity and the size and complexity of the applications being deployed.
And last week was a good example. Unit in the GGV Capital API-First collection decreased by 10% from 9.16 (in the Green Zone) to 8.23 (in the Green Zone).
This was due to 3 endpoints suffering a large increase in server processing time from the 6th onwards, peaking on the 11th of August.

Creation Cards in the Open Banking UK Production collection decreased by 14% from 9.68 (in the Green Zone) to 8.29 (in the Green Zone).
This was due to 3 outages affecting their OAuth token endpoint on the 10th, 11th and 12th of August which saw HTTP 500 errors returned.These were unplanned and unannounced outages.

FEMA in the US Government collection decreased by 37% from 7.42 (in the Yellow Zone) to 4.66 (in the Red Zone). This was due to a number of connection timeouts on the 7th and 8th of August.
If you’ll recall, the Maui wildfires began on the 8th of August. We are in no way connecting these timeouts to however FEMA may be responding to this tragedy. However, with both on our mind, we would be remiss if we don’t once again highlight how APIs run our world.
Here is the list of API endpoints we track for API performance:
FEMA FIMA NFIP Redacted Policies
FEMA Get Declaration Denials
FEMA Get Disaster Declarations Summaries
FEMA Get Emergency Management Performance Grants
FEMA Get FEMA Regions
FEMA Get FIMA NFIP Redacted Claims
FEMA Get Hazard Mitigation Assistance Projects
FEMA Get Hazard Mitigation Assistance Projects by NFIP CRS Communities
FEMA Get Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Disaster Summaries
FEMA Get Hazard Mitigation Plan Statuses
FEMA Get Housing Assistance Renters
FEMA Get Housing Assistance to Owners
FEMA Get Individual Assistance Housing Registrants Large Disasters
FEMA Get Individuals and Households Program Valid Registrations
FEMA Get OpenFEMA Data Set Fields
FEMA Get OpenFEMA Data Sets
FEMA Get Public Assistance Applicants
FEMA Get Public Assistance Applicants Program Deliveries
FEMA Get Public Assistance Funded Project Details
FEMA Get Public Assistance Funded Projects Summaries
FEMA Get Registration Intake Individuals Household Programs
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Mitigated Properties
FEMA Non-Disaster and Assistance to Firefighter Grants
It doesn’t take a genius to see that timeouts for some of these APIs could result in unnecessary delays in important or even life-saving tasks.

Dept of Energy in the US Government collection was in the Red Zone with a CASC score of 2.98. Yep, still terrible, actually, they just got worse. Their outlier rate is up 1.6% points to 18.7%. Why remains a mystery.
Other API Performance Highlights
- Revolut in the Open Banking UK Production category takes the overall title for best API again this week with a CASC score of 9.8, down from 9.82 last week.
- Contentful in the GGV Capital API-First category is the fastest API again this week with an average latency of 49 ms, down from 50 ms last week.
- Monzo Bank is the best-performing bank in the Open Banking UK Production category with monitored AISP (non-consent) endpoints again this week with a CASC score of 9.48, up from 9.35 last week.
- Dept of Energy in the US Government category is the overall worst performing API again this week with a CASC score of 2.98.
- 6 categories are topped by an API with a CASC score of 9.50 or more, down from 10 last week.
- 14 categories are topped by an API with a CASC score of 9.00 or more, the same as last week.
- 0 categories have bottom API with a CASC score of 9.00 or more, down from 1 last week.
- 8 categories have bottom API with a CASC score of 8.00 or more, down from 14 last week.
- 4 APIs (Barclays Personal Sandbox in the Open Banking UK Sandboxes collection with a CASC score of 5.76, Allied Irish Bank Sandbox in the Open Banking UK Sandboxes collection with a CASC score of 4.48, Dept of Energy in the US Government collection with a CASC score of 2.98, FEMA in the US Government collection with a CASC score of 4.66) are in the Red Zone with a CASC score of less than 6.00 this week, the same as last week.