Welcome back to our weekly API performance report. Each week at APImetrics, we take a look at recent API performance trends and let you know who are the movers and shakers in each API sector, from fintech and UK open banking to enterprise IT, social networks, and even the GGV Capital API-First Index.
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API Performance Headline of the week: The U.S. Government (API Performance) is in Bad Shape
Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US Government API collection was in the Red Zone with a CASC score of 5.06.
Read more about the APImetrics CASC score

This was due to a large jump in server processing time affecting their one monitored endpoint on the evening of Febuary 1 and 2 as well as a number of timeouts.
Veterans Affairs in the US Government API collection decreased by 20% from 8.24 (in the Green Zone) to 6.54 (in the Yellow Zone).

This was due to a cluster of failures in the early morning on January 31. The endpoint returned HTTP 503. This event happened at around 0200 UTC, 1800 PST making it probably a slightly odd time to bring down your API.
It is possible that this was an outage as it is not unheard of for a load balancer to return 503 when the backend server is unreachable.
Other API Performance Indicators
- Revolut in the Open Banking UK Production collection had the best overall API performance again this week with a CASC score of 9.79.
- Contentful in the GGV Capital API-First category is the fastest API again this week with an average latency of 50 ms, the same as last week.
- Monzo Bank is the best-performing bank in the Open Banking UK Production category with monitored AISP (non-consent) endpoints again this week with a CASC score of 9.35.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US Government category is the overall worst performing API again this week with a CASC score of 5.06.
- 11 categories are topped by an API with a CASC score of 9.50 or more, up from 8 last week.
- 15 categories are topped by an API with a CASC score of 9.00 or more, the same as last week.
- 3 categories have bottom API with a CASC score of 9.00 or more, up from 1 last week.
- 7 categories have bottom API with a CASC score of 8.00 or more, down from 15 last week.
- 2 APIs (Santander in the Open Banking UK Production collection with a CASC score of 5.98, Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US Government collection with a CASC score of 5.06) are in the Red Zone with a CASC score of less than 6.00 this week, down from 3 last week.